Introduction The display of bedgraph can use the plotBedgraph function of Sushi package Code explanation Input bedGraph formatdata frame head(Sushi_DNaseI.bedgraph)
Introduction Sushi package can draw a variety of common genome formats, including bed, bedpe, bedgraph, Hic matrix, Manhattan map, gene
Introduction The expression of some prostate cancer-specific genes has nothing to do with mutations, so the author wanted to see
Introduction Through the line graph, the author showed that different types of prostate cancer have different methylation patterns. On ChrX,
Introduction When ggplot is making box plots or dot plots, it can actually check and add p-values, just use the
Bar graph of the relationship between the amount of DNA methylation valleys and H3K4me3 and H3K27me3
Introduction DNA methylation valleys (DNA methylation valleys, DMV) are a wide range of hypomethylated regions, which are related to the
Introduction The TIDE score calculated by the TIDE software consists of two parts: dysfunction score and exclusion score. The calculation
Introduction Sometimes we need to use a loop to draw multiple ggplot graphs, we fixed x, and y needs to
# Data processing n_hmr = rep(0, 100) for(i in 1:length(sample_ids_wgbs)){ n_hmr[i] = length( hmr[[ sample_ids_wgbs[i] ]] ) } m =
The part of the heat map function written by the author himself can be called directly after drawing # Plots