Heatmap showing mutations associated with the proportions of myeloid subset by using lasso model
By performing a pan-cancer analysis of single myeloid cells , authors found that some mutations were correlated with the fractions of myeloid subset.
Code explanation
Load the required library.
## /share/tools/R/R-3.6.0/bin/R
Read TMB data, mutation data, cell fraction data. And then merge them by patient name
## read TMB
tmb = read.table("/data2/csj/Pan_Myeloid/A20191105/mutation/TMB.merge.txt", header=F, check.names=F, stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(tmb) = c("patient","cancerType","TMB")
tmb$patient = gsub("-",".",tmb$patient)
tmb$patient = gsub("BC","BRCA",tmb$patient)
tmb$patient = gsub("PACA","PAAD",tmb$patient)
old.name <- c("BC", "CHOL", "CRC", "ESCA", "HCC", "LUNG", "FTC", "OV", "PACA", "RC", "THCA", "UCEC")
new.name <- c("BRCA", "CHOL", "CRC", "ESCA", "HCC", "LUNG", "FTC", "OV", "PAAD", "RC", "THCA", "UCEC")
tmb$cancerType <- plyr::mapvalues(x = tmb$cancerType, from = old.name, to = new.name)
# change cancer type name
## read cellInfo
cellInfo = read.csv("/data2/csj/Pan_Myeloid/A20191105/scanorama_integrate/metadata.csv")
cellInfo = cellInfo[cellInfo$Cluster != 'Myeloid',]
cellInfo = cellInfo[cellInfo$tissue=="T",]
cellInfo = cellInfo[cellInfo$source=="ZhangLab",]
current.cluster.ids <- c("ESCA", "L", "MM", "OV", "PACA", "RC", "THCA", "UCEC")
new.cluster.ids <- c("ESCA", "LYM", "MM", "OV", "PAAD", "RC", "THCA", "UCEC")
cellInfo$cancer <- plyr::mapvalues(x = cellInfo$cancer, from = current.cluster.ids, to = new.cluster.ids)
cellInfo <- cellInfo[c('cancer','patient','Cluster','MajorCluster','library_id')]
cellInfo$patient <- paste0(cellInfo$cancer,".",cellInfo$patient)
cellInfo$subcluster <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(cellInfo$MajorCluster,"_"),function(x){x[2]}))
old.cluster.name <- c("Mono", "Mast", "Macro", "pDC", "cDC3", "cDC2", "cDC1", "Monolike")
new.cluster.name <- c("Mo/Mq", "Mast", "Mo/Mq", "pDC", "cDC3", "cDC2", "cDC1", "Mo/Mq")
cellInfo$subcluster <- plyr::mapvalues(x = cellInfo$subcluster, from = old.cluster.name, to = new.cluster.name)
colnames(cellInfo) <- c('cancerType','patient','Majorcluster','Cluster','library_id','meta.cluster')
# subset, calculate and then merge tables
cells = cellInfo[,c("patient","meta.cluster")] %>% table %>% as.data.frame()
cells = cells %>% group_by(patient) %>% dplyr::mutate(Percent=100*Freq/sum(Freq))
cells$patient = as.character(cells$patient)
cells$meta.cluster = as.character(cells$meta.cluster)
overlap = intersect(unique(tmb$patient), unique(cells$patient))
length(overlap) ## 35
tmb = tmb[tmb$patient %in% overlap, ]
cellInfo = cellInfo[cellInfo$patient %in% overlap, ]
cells = cells[cells$patient %in% overlap,]
dat = merge(cells, tmb[,c("patient","cancerType","TMB")], by="patient")
# Spec. Mut.
## load files, make the dataframe
mut = read.table("/data2/csj/Pan_Myeloid/A20191105/mutation/mut_mtx.flt.fmt.txt", sep="\t", header=T, check.names=F, stringsAsFactors=F)
mut$Gene = gsub("-","_", mut$Gene)
colnames(mut) = gsub("-",".",colnames(mut))
colnames(mut) = gsub("PACA","PAAD",colnames(mut))
colnames(mut) = gsub("BC","BRCA",colnames(mut))
rownames(mut) = mut$Gene
flag = mut[,overlap]
flag = ifelse(flag==".", 0, 1)
mut$Num2 = rowSums(flag)
mut$Num2r = round(mut$Num2/length(overlap), 2)
census = fread("/data2/csj/Pan_Myeloid/A20191105/mutation/Census_all_Wed_Oct_30_07_30_28_2019.GRCh37_COSMICv90.tsv", sep="\t", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
census$<code>Gene Symbol</code> = gsub("-","_", census$<code>Gene Symbol</code>)
## choose gene used
# set1: Num2r>=0.1 && in Census table
genes = mut[mut$Num2r >= 0.1,"Gene"]
genes = genes[genes %in% census$<code>Gene Symbol</code>]
genes = genes[!grepl("[;,]",genes)]
mut = mut[genes, overlap]
mut = as.data.frame(t(ifelse(mut==".", 0, 1)))
dat2 = dcast(cells, patient ~ meta.cluster, value.var="Percent")
dat2[is.na(dat2)] = 0
dat2 = merge(unique(dat[,c("patient","cancerType")]), dat2, by="patient")
clusters = colnames(dat2)[3:ncol(dat2)]
mut$patient = rownames(mut)
dat2 = merge(dat2, mut, by="patient")
dat2 = merge(dat2, tmb[,c("patient","TMB")], by="patient")
dat2$cancerType = factor(dat2$cancerType)
## used save lm result
allRes <<- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=5))
colnames(allRes) = c("Gene", "Cluster", "Estimate", "EstimateCI", "Pvalue")
Now we can model cell proportions and mutations. If we want a lasso model, we have to select a suitable lambda firstly. Here, authors used three folds cross validation to choose lambda, and then use that lambda to build lasso model.
## define functions
## lasso variables selection, lambda choosed using 3-fold cv
runLasso = function(par.dat2, par.tarClu, par.genes){
# https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/70753/correct-estimation-of-arguments-for-glmmlasso-function/134559
N = nrow(par.dat2)
ind = sample(N,N)
lambda = seq(500, 0, by=-5)
family = gaussian(link="identity")
par.dat2$y = par.dat2[,par.tarClu[1]]
if (length(par.tarClu) > 1){
for(i in par.tarClu[2:length(par.tarClu)]){
par.dat2$y = par.dat2$y + par.dat2[,i]
formula = as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(c("TMB",par.genes), collapse='+')))
kk = 3
nk = floor(N/kk)
Devianz_ma = matrix(Inf,ncol=kk,nrow=length(lambda))
## first fit good starting model
PQL = glmmPQL(y~1, random=~1|cancerType, family=family, data=par.dat2, verbose=F)
Delta.start = c(as.numeric(PQL$coef$fixed), rep(0,length(par.genes)+1), as.numeric(t(PQL$coef$random$cancerType)))
Q.start = as.numeric(VarCorr(PQL)[1,1])
## train and test
for(j in 1:length(lambda)){
for (i in 1:kk){
if (i < kk){
indi = ind[(i-1)*nk+(1:nk)]
indi = ind[((i-1)*nk+1):N]
par.dat2.train = par.dat2[-indi,]
par.dat2.test = par.dat2[indi,]
glm2 = try(glmmLasso(formula, rnd=list(cancerType=~1), family=family, data=par.dat2.train, lambda=lambda[j],
switch.NR=F, final.re=TRUE, control=list(start=Delta.start, q_start=Q.start)), silent=TRUE)
y.hat = predict(glm2, par.dat2.test)
Devianz_ma[j,i] = sum(family$dev.resids(par.dat2.test$y, y.hat, wt=rep(1,length(y.hat))))
#print(paste("Iteration ", j, sep=""))
## get best lambda
Devianz_vec = apply(Devianz_ma,1,sum)
opt2 = which.min(Devianz_vec)
## final lasso regression
glm2_final = glmmLasso(formula, rnd=list(cancerType=~1), family=family, data=par.dat2, lambda=lambda[opt2],
switch.NR=F, final.re=TRUE, control=list(start=Delta.start,q_start=Q.start))
Function showing lasso model . Content includes coefficient ,p value , and confident interval .
## show LASSO model info
showLasso = function(par.dat2, par.tarClu, par.lm){
sum = summary(par.lm)
tab = as.data.frame(sum$coefficients)
tab = tab[tab$Estimate!=0,]
tab = tab[!grepl("^(TMB|\\(Intercept\\))$",rownames(tab)),]
if (nrow(tab)==0){
print ("No good model")
tab$Gene = rownames(tab)
tab = tab[order(tab$Estimate, decreasing=T), ]
tab$upper = tab$Estimate + 2*tab$StdErr
tab$lower = tab$Estimate - 2*tab$StdErr
tab$sig = ifelse(tab$p.value <0.05, "*", " ")
#tab$sig = ifelse(tab$p.value <0.01, "**", tab$sig)
tab$Pval = sprintf("%s%s", tab$p.value, tab$sig)
tab$Info = sprintf("%.2f (%.2f - %.2f)%s", tab$Estimate, tab$lower, tab$upper, tab$sig)
tab$Estimate = sprintf("%.2f", tab$Estimate)
tab$StdErr = sprintf("%.2f", tab$StdErr)
# forestplot
forestplot(rbind(c(c("Gene", NA, "Esitimate (95% CI)")), cbind(tab$Gene, NA, tab$Info)),
c(NA,tab$Estimate), c(NA,tab$lower), c(NA,tab$upper),
graph.pos=2, xlab="Esitimate", is.summary=c(T, rep(F,nrow(tab))), boxsize=0.15,
hrzl_lines=T, new_page=T,
col=fpColors(box=c("#1c61b6","black"), lines="#1c61b6", zero="gray50"),
lwd.ci=2, ci.vertices=T, ci.vertices.height = 0.05,
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(cex=1), ticks=gpar(cex=0.7), xlab=gpar(cex=1), title=gpar(cex=1)),
xticks=seq(from=floor(min(c(0,tab$lower))), length.out=10,
by=round((ceiling(max(c(0,tab$upper)))-floor(min(c(0,tab$lower))))/10, 2))
# save and return
tab2save(par.dat2, par.tarClu, tab, allRes)
boxplot showing the comparsison of cell proportion between cancer patients with or without mutations
## boxplot for selected genes
loop.box = function(par.dat2, par.tarClu, par.genes){
for (i in par.genes){
p = ggboxplot(par.dat2, x=i, y=paste(tarClu,collapse="+"), color=i, add="jitter", palette="jco", outlier.shape=NA) +
stat_compare_means(comparisons=list(c("0","1"))) +
theme(legend.position="right", plot.title=element_text(size=9, vjust = -1)) +
ylab("Percent") + xlab("Mutation")
Save information from lasso model to a data frame. And the column names of data frame are Gene, Cluster, Estimate, EstimateCI, Pvalue.
## save res
tab2save = function(par2.dat2, par2.tarClu, par2.tab, par2.allRes){
# cid
cid = par2.tarClu
if (length(par2.tarClu) > 1){
cid = paste(par2.tarClu, collapse="+")
# test.data
test.dat = rowSums(par2.dat2[,par2.tarClu,drop=F])
# calculate
tmp = par2.tab
tmp$Cluster = cid
tmp$EstimateCI = gsub("\\*$","",tmp$Info)
tmp$EstimateCI = sub(" - ", " ~ ",tmp$EstimateCI)
tmp$Pvalue = NA
for (i in tmp$Gene){
t = wilcox.test(test.dat[ par2.dat2[,i]==0 ], test.dat[ par2.dat2[,i]==1])
tmp[tmp$Gene==i,"Pvalue"] = sprintf("%.3f",t$p.value)
# save
this.res = tmp[,c("Gene", "Cluster", "Estimate", "EstimateCI", "Pvalue")]
allRes <<- unique(rbind(par2.allRes, this.res))
Finally we can use the defined functions for different cell cluster.
## Lasso
tarClu = c("cDC1")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
#loop.box(dat2, "cDC3", "MUC4")
tarClu = c("cDC2")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("cDC3")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
loop.box(dat2, tarClu, "MUC4")
### plot with cancer type
# ggboxplot(dat2, x='MUC4', y=paste('cDC3',collapse="+"), add="jitter", palette="jco", outlier.shape=NA,add.params = list(color = 'cancerType'))+
# stat_compare_means(comparisons=list(c("0","1"))) +
# theme(legend.position="right", plot.title=element_text(size=9, vjust = -1)) +
# ylab("The proportion of LAMP3+ DC") + xlab("MUC4 Mutation")
tarClu = c("pDC")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("Mast")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("Mo/Mq")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, genes)
lm.genes = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
Save total result
## Final save result
allRes$Estimate.p = as.numeric(allRes$Estimate)
allRes$Estimate.p = ifelse(allRes$Estimate.p > 5, 5, allRes$Estimate.p)
allRes$Estimate.p = ifelse(allRes$Estimate.p < -5, -5, allRes$Estimate.p)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = sub(" ","\n", allRes$EstimateCI)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = gsub(" ","", allRes$EstimateCI.p)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = gsub("(\\d\\.\\d)\\d","\\1", allRes$EstimateCI.p)
allRes$sig = ifelse(allRes$Pvalue<0.05, "P<0.05", NA)
allRes$sig = factor(allRes$sig, levels=c("P<0.05"))
sig.color = c("#EE2C2C")
names(sig.color) = c("P<0.05")
Heatmap to show coefficient of genes in lasso
pdf("mutation_myeloid_subset_new.pdf", width=5, height=2)
ggplot(allRes, aes(x=Gene, y=Cluster, fill=Estimate.p)) +
geom_tile(size=3) +
geom_tile(aes(color=sig),size=1.2, alpha=0) +
geom_text(aes(label=Estimate), angle=0, color="black", size=3) +
scale_fill_gradient2( high="#EEAEEE", mid="#FFFFFF", low="#1C86EE", midpoint=0, limits=c(-5,5), name="Coef") +
scale_colour_manual(name="significance",values=sig.color) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=8, vjust=1, hjust=0, angle=300)) +
xlab('') + ylab("cellType")+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour="black"), axis.text.y = element_text(colour="black"))
The following results are the same, the gene is changed from mutated genes to a pathways
## pathway level regression
# Spec. Mut.
## load files, make the dataframe
mut = read.table("/data2/csj/Pan_Myeloid/A20191105/mutation/hallmark_mtx.txt", sep="\t", header=T, check.names=F, stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(mut) = gsub("-",".",colnames(mut))
colnames(mut) = gsub("PACA","PAAD",colnames(mut))
colnames(mut) = gsub("BC","BRCA",colnames(mut))
colnames(mut) = gsub("PATH","Gene",colnames(mut))
rownames(mut) = mut$Gene
flag = mut[,overlap]
flag = ifelse(flag==".", 0, 1)
mut$Num2 = rowSums(flag)
mut$Num2r = round(mut$Num2/length(overlap), 2)
## choose pathway used
# set1: Num2r>=0.1
pathways = mut[mut$Num2r >= 0.1,"Gene"]
mut = mut[pathways, overlap]
mut = as.data.frame(t(ifelse(mut==".", 0, 1)))
dat2 = dcast(cells, patient ~ meta.cluster, value.var="Percent")
dat2[is.na(dat2)] = 0
dat2 = merge(unique(dat[,c("patient","cancerType")]), dat2, by="patient")
clusters = colnames(dat2)[3:ncol(dat2)]
mut$patient = rownames(mut)
dat2 = merge(dat2, mut, by="patient")
dat2 = merge(dat2, tmb[,c("patient","TMB")], by="patient")
dat2$cancerType = factor(dat2$cancerType)
## used save lm result
allRes <<- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=5))
colnames(allRes) = c("Gene", "Cluster", "Estimate", "EstimateCI", "Pvalue")
## Lasso
tarClu = c("cDC1")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("cDC2")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("cDC3")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
loop.box(dat2, tarClu, "HALLMARK_APOPTOSIS")
### plot with cancer type
# ggboxplot(dat2, x='HALLMARK_APOPTOSIS', y=paste('cDC3',collapse="+"), add="jitter", palette="jco", outlier.shape=NA,add.params = list(color = 'cancerType'))+
# stat_compare_means(comparisons=list(c("0","1"))) +
# theme(legend.position="right", plot.title=element_text(size=9, vjust = -1)) +
# ylab("The proportion of LAMP3+ DC") + xlab("Apoptosis Mutation")
# ggboxplot(dat2, x='HALLMARK_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE', y=paste('cDC3',collapse="+"), add="jitter", palette="jco", outlier.shape=NA,add.params = list(color = 'cancerType'))+
# stat_compare_means(comparisons=list(c("0","1"))) +
# theme(legend.position="right", plot.title=element_text(size=9, vjust = -1)) +
# ylab("The proportion of LAMP3+ DC") + xlab("Inflammatory Response Mutation")
tarClu = c("pDC")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("Mast")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
tarClu = c("Mo/Mq")
lm.lasso = runLasso(dat2, tarClu, pathways)
lm.pathways = showLasso(dat2, tarClu, lm.lasso)
## Final save result
allRes$Estimate.p = as.numeric(allRes$Estimate)
allRes$Estimate.p = ifelse(allRes$Estimate.p > 5, 5, allRes$Estimate.p)
allRes$Estimate.p = ifelse(allRes$Estimate.p < -5, -5, allRes$Estimate.p)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = sub(" ","\n", allRes$EstimateCI)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = gsub(" ","", allRes$EstimateCI.p)
allRes$EstimateCI.p = gsub("(\\d\\.\\d)\\d","\\1", allRes$EstimateCI.p)
allRes$sig = ifelse(allRes$Pvalue<0.05, "P<0.05", NA)
allRes$sig = factor(allRes$sig, levels=c("P<0.05"))
sig.color = c("#EE2C2C")
names(sig.color) = c("P<0.05")
allRes$Gene = gsub("HALLMARK_","",allRes$Gene)
ggplot(allRes, aes(x=Gene, y=Cluster, fill=Estimate.p)) +
geom_tile(size=3) +
geom_tile(aes(color=sig),size=1.2, alpha=0) +
geom_text(aes(label=Estimate), angle=0, color="black", size=3) +
scale_fill_gradient2( high="#EEAEEE", mid="#FFFFFF", low="#1C86EE", midpoint=0, limits=c(-5,5), name="Coef") +
scale_colour_manual(name="significance",values=sig.color) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=8, vjust=1, hjust=0, angle=340)) +
xlab('') + ylab("cellType")+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour="black"), axis.text.y = element_text(colour="black"))
Heatmap showing the coefficients of genes with somatic mutations significantly associated with the fractions of myeloid subset. Lasso regression.
Boxplot showing the comparison of LAMP3+ cDCs fraction between cancer patients with or without mutations in MUC4. Unpaired two-sided Wilcoxon test.
Heatmap showing the coefficients of pathways with somatic mutations significantly associated with the fractions of myeloid subset. Lasso regression.
Boxplot showing the comparison of LAMP3+ cDCs fraction between cancer patients with or without mutations in apoptosis and inflammatory response
pathways. Unpaired two-sided Wilcoxon test.
Interpretation of results
Authors identified several genes with somatic mutations
correlated with myeloid cell subset proportions. Of
note, they identified a negative association between the proportion of LAMP3+ cDCs and mutations in MUC4, a
gene known to be associated with tumor progression via modulating tumor cell apoptosis.
Cheng S , Li Z , Gao R , et al. A pan-cancer single-cell transcriptional atlas of tumor infiltrating myeloid cells[J]. Cell, 2021, 184(3):792-809.e23.